19 – 22 August, 2015
This conference will organised by the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare (ESPMH) and the
Bioethics Institute Ghent, Belgium.
Call for abstracts (closed)
Medicalisation: Conceptual analyses - History of the concept
- Commercialisation and globalisation
- Pharmaceuticalisation
- Biomedicalisation
- Cost-benefit analysis
| Enhanced selves, medicalised selves & normality - Genetic information
- Self-enhancement
- Children and behaviour
- Transhumanism
| Reproduction - Medically assisted reproduction
- Pregnancy
- Fertility preservation
- Reproductive care
- Preconception planning & behaviour
End of life - Advanced directives
- Terminal sedation
- Euthanasia & physician assisted suicide
- Nursing perspectives
- Ageing
| Prevention and livestyle - Health promotion & prevention
- Nudges & freedom
- Food politics
- Lifestyle & individual responsibility
- Consumption patterns
| |
The programme of the conference will include plenary sessions as well as parallel sessions. Anyone wishing to present a paper at the conference
should submit an abstract (500 words maximum) before March 1, 2015. The Conference Programme Committee will select abstracts for oral presentation.
The deadline for registrations is June 30th, 2015.
Abstracts and registrations could be sent by email to Professor
Bert Gordijn, Secretary of the ESPMH,
Institute of Ethics, Dublin City University, Ireland (
